Water and Oil Pipelines

For years, customers have relied on our expertise to manage the oil & water project and to enhance local knowledge and capacity to sustain long-term economic development. Matanh provide the complete project solution from concept to execution. We deliver hundreds of refineries, pipelines and tunnels across the globe. Regardless of location, complexity we provide water conveyer belt system and hydraulic power solutions to the consumers for their sustenance access to water.

We qualify to deliver optimum performance in upgrades or new construction with the best technologies. We use our proprietary technologies or alliance with process licensors or the vendors.

Our Features and Services include:

  • Refineries, Tunnels and Pipelines
  • LNG & Water, planning and delivery.
  • Dams, Power House, Rock Chambers for Hydro-Electricity
  • Water System for industrial customers
  • LNG for oil& gas field development