Our code of conduct

Business Code of Conduct

Matnah Constructions Group ensures compliance with the highest ethical standards in the conduct of its affairs, its business relationships with individuals and organizations, and with its employees, directors, shareholders, clients, partners and suppliers, with governments, the media and the general public. The ethics integrity and reputation of the company are essential to sustained profitability. They are primarily a function of the actions of its staff, its officers and directors, its representatives, agents and consultants throughout the world. Each employee is responsible for compliance with the Code of Ethics and Business Conduct. The provisions of the Code are mandatory and must be complied with without exception to maintain employment.

The 6-point Code of Business Conduct :

  • Compliance with the law and regulations
  • Prevention of conflicts of interest
  • Respect for the person and the environment
  • Protection of Group assets
  • Financial Transparency
  • Importance of internal control and audit

It is clear that social values, laws and customs differ from one country to another. For this reason, there may be differences in the interpretation of certain provisions of the Code depending on the country. The Matnah Group is nevertheless convinced that the basic rules and principles of the Code are safe, relevant and applicable in all countries, while respecting customs and laws.

Provide innovated and excellent services and products to serve the sector of construction and contracting in Saudi Arabia with professional style based on the company experiences and according to the latest technology and lowest prices.